Oil Laboratory

To prevent component failure, increase equipment availability, extend equipment lifespan, and reduce operational costs, we perform oil analysis on our mining equipment. This is intended to identify potential equipment damage so that repairs can be made promptly, thereby avoiding more severe damage.

The tools we use for analysis are:

Equipment Description Total
Bell End Allen Key For loosening and tightening the bolt adjustment electrode 1 Unit
Factory GAP Tool To measure and adjust the gap between the upper and lower electrodes to meet factory standards 1 Unit

    Steps in conducting the analysis:
  1. Check the level of flush liquid (cleaner) and waste oil containment
  2. Inspect for external leaks from the microlab equipment
  3. Clean the electrodes and lens
  4. Check the condition of the electrodes (distance and length)
  5. Turn on the microlab equipment and check the calibration schedule calculations
  6. Record data for each oil sample entering the microlab
  7. Input oil data into the microlab equipment
  8. Analyze the oil sample and print out the analysis results


The MicroLab®40 Series combines automation and artificial intelligence in an all-in-one oil analysis tool. It provides comprehensive oil analysis in just 15 minutes.

  • Operable by maintenance staff, no chemist required
  • Fully automatic operation and cleaning
  • Easy-to-understand reports with color-coded alarm limits and diagnostic reports

Four automated oil tests:


The MicroLab Infrared Spectrometer measures six key parameters indicating oil degradation and contamination potential. These tools are provided by MicroLab 30 and 40:

  • Oil degradation: Oxidation, nitration, total base number (TBN)
  • Oil contamination: Soot, water, glycol


The MicroLab Optical Emission Spectrometer measures metal wear caused by mechanical components and other sources, as well as elements from oil additives or contamination sources. These tools are available in the MicroLab®40 Series:

  • Analysis of 20 elements including: aluminum, chromium, copper, iron, lead, molybdenum, potassium, silicon, sodium, tin, barium, boron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, nickel, phosphorous, titanium, vanadium, and zinc.


The MicroLab Dual Temperature Viscometer provides kinematic viscosity analysis that can help identify potential oil degradation or contamination. These tools are provided in the MicroLab® 40 Series:

  • Kinematic viscosity at 40°C and 100°C
  • Viscosity Index (VI)


The MicroLab®40 Series is equipped with a particle counter to measure contamination particles, which is crucial for the maintenance of hydraulic systems, compressors, and turbines. Measurements from the MicroLab 40:

  • ISO particle size


The MicroLab®40 Series features an “Embedded Expert System” that translates chemical results into diagnostics, providing specific statements for equipment types and guiding technicians on necessary maintenance actions. Diagnostic statements can indicate whether an oil change is needed or if the oil drain interval can be extended. It can also direct technicians to potential mechanical issues for investigation. The comprehensive reports:

  • Save time - collecting and analyzing all test data
  • Eliminate guesswork in interpreting results - providing recommended maintenance actions
  • Save money - no need to hire analytical resources

The Embedded Expert System is the “brain” of MicroLab, translating analytical data into maintenance actions, so technicians or mechanics don’t need to interpret the chemistry behind the reports; they simply read the service recommendations on the report. Built from over 20 years of industry knowledge and more than 10,000 individual software scripts, the MicroLab Expert System generates diagnostics specific to equipment applications (e.g., automotive, on-road trucks, off-road trucks, generators), component types (e.g., diesel engines, gasoline engines, hydraulics), and often to equipment manufacturers. The Expert System uses a rule set specific to each component type. This rule set contains threshold levels and diagnostic scripts applied to sample results to generate diagnostic statements. The Expert System assesses individual sample results as Normal, Abnormal, or Severe using color-coded results on the report. Before comparing results to specific threshold levels stored in the database, the system automatically accounts for:

  • Operating time on the component
  • Time on the oil
  • Break-in period


Main Office :

Jl. Tambang, Desa. Batu Kajang, Kecamatan. Batu Sopang, Paser, Kideco Site, Kalimanatan Timur, Indonesia

Jakarta Office :

Equity Tower 30th Floor, Sudirman Central Business District Lot 9 Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia